Jammu and Kashmir

Warapora, Sopore Gasps for Water Amidst Government Indifference

Warapora, Sopore Gasps for Water Amidst Government Indifference

Mudasir Majeed

Sopore: Residents of Warapora in Sopore are grappling with an acute water shortage that has turned their lives into a daily ordeal. The situation has reached a boiling point as the local population is infuriated by the complete lack of response from the concerned authorities.

For months, the taps in Warapora have run dry, forcing people to endure the scorching summer heat without access to this essential resource. Women and children are bearing the brunt of this crisis, as they spend countless hours fetching water from distant sources.

The residents have repeatedly appealed to the Public Health Engineering (PHE) department to address the issue, but their pleas have fallen on deaf ears. Frustrated by the government’s apathy, the community has taken to the streets to protest against the water scarcity.

“We are living in the 21st century, but we are deprived of a basic human right – clean drinking water,” said a local resident, reflecting the collective anger of the community. “It’s disheartening to see that our elected representatives and the concerned department seem oblivious to our plight.”

Public demanded an immediate and permanent solution to the water crisis. They called for the augmentation of water supply to the area, repair of the existing water infrastructure, and accountability from the responsible officials.

As the situation continues to deteriorate, the residents of Warapora are left wondering when their basic needs will be met and when the government will finally listen to their cries for help.

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