
Big News Regarding Winter Vacation 2023, Check Latest Update Here

Big News Regarding Winter Vacation 2023, Check Latest Update Here

Winter vacation for primary, lower classes being considered: Alok Kumar Order to come up shortly

Winter Vacation 2023

Amidst Chilling Conditions – Winter Vacation 2023

The Kashmir valley has been experiencing sub-zero temperatures and dense fog for the past week, making the need for a winter vacation imperative. Alok Kumar highlighted the harsh conditions, prompting the government to evaluate the necessity of a break for primary and lower classes.

Official Confirmation – Winter Vacation 2023

Principal Secretary Education, Alok Kumar, informed Daily Spark about the ongoing considerations for a winter vacation. The order regarding the same is anticipated shortly, providing clarity on the decision and its implementation.

Plea from PSAJK and Parents

In response to the challenging weather conditions, both PSAJK and parents have earnestly requested the government to prioritize and expedite the decision on winter vacations. The collective plea emphasizes the urgency and importance of safeguarding the well-being of students during extreme weather.

The Impact on Education – Winter Vacation 2023

Addressing Concerns

The potential winter vacation raises concerns about the impact on students’ education. However, the government’s proactive approach, considering the extreme weather conditions, reflects a commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of the younger demographic.

Strategies for Continued Learning – Winter Vacation 2023

In the event of a winter vacation, officials are expected to provide strategies for continued learning, ensuring minimal disruption to the academic calendar. This includes potential online classes, study materials, and support for parents to facilitate home-based learning.

The duration of winter vacation 2023 in Kashmir is expected to be from December 1, 2023 to February 28, 2024. Decision is taken based road conditions, safety, and the overall well-being of students.


As the government contemplates a winter vacation for primary and lower classes in Jammu and Kashmir, the well-being and safety of students remain at the forefront. Stay informed with Daily Spark for the latest updates on this crucial decision. Whether it’s the confirmation of the vacation, strategies for continued learning, or the imminent official order, we are committed to keeping you in the loop.


Q: Is the winter vacation confirmed for primary and lower classes?

A: While under consideration, an official order is expected shortly. Stay tuned for updates.

Q: What prompted the government to consider a winter vacation?

A: Harsh weather conditions, including sub-zero temperatures and dense fog, have prompted officials to evaluate the necessity of a break.

Q: How are parents and PSAJK involved in the decision-making process?

A: Both parents and PSAJK have actively requested the government to prioritize and expedite the decision on winter vacations, emphasizing the urgency of the situation.

Q: Will the potential winter vacation impact students’ education?

A: While concerns exist, the government is expected to provide strategies for continued learning, minimizing disruption to the academic calendar.

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