EducationJammu and Kashmir

BIG Breaking: All Educational Institutions and Government/Private Offices Closed for 4 Days

BIG Breaking: All Educational Institutions and Government/Private Offices Closed for 4 Days

In this article, we will explore the upcoming closure of educational institutions and government/private offices for four days. This significant break in the regular schedule is primarily due to the observance of Milad un-Nabi/Id-e-Milad and Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti, providing an extended weekend for many individuals. Let’s delve into the details of these important dates and what they signify.

Educational Institutions

Understanding Milad un-Nabi/Id-e-Milad (28 Sep and 29 Sep)

Milad un-Nabi, also known as Id-e-Milad, is a significant Islamic holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide. It marks the birth anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad. This year, Milad un-Nabi falls on the 28th and 29th of September. As a mark of respect and devotion, educational institutions and government/private offices across various regions will remain closed on these two days.

During Milad un-Nabi, Muslims engage in various activities, including special prayers, processions, and reading verses from the Quran. It’s a time for reflection and to commemorate the teachings and life of the Prophet.

The Observance of Gandhi Jayanti (2 Oct)

Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti, celebrated on the 2nd of October, is a national holiday in India. It marks the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation, and a prominent leader in the Indian independence movement. This day is observed with great reverence and patriotism.

Educational institutions and government/private offices will also be closed on Gandhi Jayanti. It’s a day to remember Gandhi’s principles of non-violence, truth, and civil disobedience. Many events and functions are organized across the country to pay homage to his legacy.

An Extended Weekend for Many

With Milad un-Nabi falling on the 28th and 29th of September and Gandhi Jayanti on the 2nd of October, it creates a unique four-day weekend. This extended break provides an excellent opportunity for people to relax, spend time with family and friends, and engage in various recreational activities.


In conclusion, the upcoming closure of educational institutions and government/private offices for four days in late September and early October is due to the observance of Milad un-Nabi/Id-e-Milad and Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti. These days hold significant cultural and historical importance and are an occasion for people to connect with their faith and heritage.


1. Why are educational institutions and offices closed for Milad un-Nabi and Gandhi Jayanti?

Educational institutions and offices are closed to allow individuals to observe these important religious and national holidays with respect and devotion.

2. What can people do during these four days off?

During this extended weekend, people can engage in various activities such as spending time with family, participating in cultural events, and reflecting on the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi and the Prophet Muhammad.

3. Are all offices and institutions closed, or is it region-specific?

The closure of educational institutions and offices may vary by region and country. It’s advisable to check with local authorities for specific information.

4. Can businesses and essential services remain open during these holidays?

Yes, businesses providing essential services, such as hospitals and emergency services, usually remain open to ensure the well-being of the community.

5. Are there any specific traditions associated with these holidays?

Both Milad un-Nabi and Gandhi Jayanti have specific traditions and rituals associated with them. Muslims may engage in prayers and processions during Milad un-Nabi, while Gandhi Jayanti is marked by events that promote Gandhian principles of peace and non-violence.

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